Monday, March 2, 2009

Remodeling the Bathroom...Beautiful

When we bought the house, the standard option was for wall-to-wall carpeting, including the bathrooms. Shawna didn’t want carpeting in there, but it cost more to have tile instead of carpeting. So, we reasoned that we could use carpeting for a few years, let it get “worn out,” and then replace the carpet with tile (since we’d have to pay for it at some time.) Well, that time has come, at least for the first bathroom…

The project itself isn’t too difficult – but it’s all the “sub-projects” that take so much time. We had to rip off the old tile, which meant completely replacing the drywall around the shower before we could even begin. Same with the carpet, toilet, sink, you name it. With every step, we had to paint or touch up areas that were covered by the old fixings. We replaced our crappy toilet (lol, sorry, that’s a stinky pun) with one that’ll consistently flush the product.

So, although the workers’ (Sterling’s) estimate was only for a week, he had to leave on a trip before he could finish, and the bathroom had to wait for his return. Portions of the project were fun (and Shawna bought him a nice wet-tile cutter)! However, the minutia of the grout, sealant, caulking, painting, baseboards, plumbing, etc got to be a bit old. He enlisted Tyler, Kenzie and Bryson to help with some of the chores. The end result looks pretty good, but it’ll be some time until he starts on the next bathroom!

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