Monday, September 29, 2008

Shawna's 10k run

Shawna has been working out all summer for various races, including a couple triathlons, and various other athletic competitions. She's been determined to improve her running, and decided to do a 10k (6.2 miles for our non-metric friends) with some of her friends from church. She has been running one every week, (just for training) and it takes her 59 minutes. Sterling tried running with her a couple times, but doesn't care for the long distances. He'll usually run with her for a few minutes, then fall behind. That's ok because she's in great shape, and he enjoys the view!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

We Love Applesauce!!

We were able to "pick" apples donated from one of our friends. Her tree was so full of apples we just shook the tree and picked the apples up off the ground! It took less than 30 minutes to fill the back of our car.

The main workers at the applesauce factory. Shawna and Kenzie were laughing about only earning a penny per apple - sounds like a good price!

Working over a hot stove...

Corn Anyone?

We stopped and bought some fresh corn from a farmer selling it by the side of the road. Notice the brown bag in the background. It was sweet and delicious! (at least it was while it was fresh)
The shucking experience was new for the kids. They've done it before with corn from the store, but weren't expecting the worms found in the "authentic" ones we bought.
Everyone was helping, even if it meant mostly just screaming at the bugs and flicking them off the deck.

Shawna's Sewing Project

These are homemade purses, and below I used the same design to make nice trick-or-treat bags for the younger kids!

I had a fun day sewing with friends. These purses are easy to make. It only takes about 2 hours. Well, actually it took 4 hours because I chatted with the girls & ate a lot of snacks.